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Bible Answer: Cassandra, I'm so glad you are reading the Bible. You have some great questions.
You want to know why the men had more wives, etc. And it seems God is not concern.
Let me say this: the Bible teaches a moral evolution. Through the original sin, the human race lost their relationship with God. Slowly, but surely, they were gaining it back through the revelation of God's Word. Finally, through Christ, we discover the original plan of God. Jesus said, "‘Haven't you read,’ he replied, ‘that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'…Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate" (Matt 19:4,6).
Jesus was showing that God's original plan was like Adam and Eve—one man for one woman. So through Christ, we learn the real moral truth about the relationships between husbands and wives.
Cassandra wrote back:
Thanks Tom! That makes a lot of sense. After all, if there weren’t a moral evolution then Christ wouldn't really be necessary. I see your point. I'm also glad I don't have to admit that polygamy is right. After arguing with the Mormons for so long... ha ha. Well thanks Tom! Expect to hear from me again. Thanks for being so kind.
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