9am - 5pm M-Th
9am-12pm F
11675 Pratt Ave
El Paso, TX 79936
When I was in Malta preaching the Gospel, my wife, Sonia, told me the shocking news: The District Attorney was investigating me, and looking for a way to indict me and throw me into prison. I think Mayor Cook wanted the DA to intimidate the churches so they would back off from the recall. I was shocked that this was happening to me. Was I living in the United States that affords me constitutional rights, or was I living in China?
Anyone, no matter which side of the political fence they are on, has to be horrified to think that the government would use its power to try to imprison political opponents. But it is happening here in El Paso, Texas. It is time for the Church to arise and stand for our constitutional rights. It is time to say "no" to bullies like Mayor Cook and District Attorney, Jaime Esparza.
Here's the facts: Jaime Esparza received a referral from the Attorney General about a complaint they received. At first, Jaime Esparza gave the impression that the Attorney General wanted him to investigate me. He let the citizens and the press erroneously think that he was doing what the Attorney General asked him to do.
But on further investigation, the Attorney General never ordered or even asked him to investigate me. Their referral was an ordinary referral brought to them by a gay affirming organization, accusing me of breaking the election code. The group, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, has been after me for a long time. They complained to the IRS about me; nothing happened. So now they are using the District Attorney to do their dirty work. Everyone should have the right to propagate their religious views on gay marriage, but it's not right to use the strong arm of the law to intimidate opponents, which is what the group, with the help of the DA, is doing. In my view this amounts to an abuse of power of the DA to investigate me.
Something similar happened during the Mexican Revolution which resulted in the 1917 constitution, which barred bishops, priests, deacons and the laity from involvement in politics, freedom of worship and redress of grievances. This is exactly what Mayor Cook has done--using the court system to stop our freedoms. But make no mistake, we will not shut up. We not not stop fighting for our rights.
I am asking the DA to do the right thing: End the investigation in my life and ministry. Mr. Esparza, quit using your office to intimidate people of conservative religious views. I know you must do your duty to investigate possible crimes, but you were not elected by the people to conduct witch-hunts, and to scare church goers. I can tell you the way most ministers feel: an attack against one minister is an attack against us all. We ministers will not stand for this and will work in any legal way to make sure religious liberties are protected.
Now the District Attorney has used the Grand Jury to subpoena the recall petitions and has ordered the City Clerk to appear before the Grand Jury to testify as a witness. I have a reliable source that told me that the District Attorney attempted to indict the three that did the recall, but the Grand Jury came back with a "no bill", which means the District Attorney had little or no evidence of any wrong doing. Shame on him for even attempting to indict these fine citizens. At this point the District Attorney has not tried to indict me, but does that means Jaime Esparza will later try to indict me and maybe others since he apparently already tried. This action will be a huge mistake for the DA and will be sure to rally huge support for our religious liberties. Mr. Esparza, you do not intimidate me, because I am not afraid to go to jail. Great saints before me has suffered prison, torture, and even death. I will be proud to stand in the shadows of the prophets in the Old Testament, in the shadows of the apostles in the New Testament, and ultimately, in the shadow of our blessed Lord and Savior who was arrested, tried, found guilty and executed. But the Romans forgot one thing: It was only Friday...Sunday was coming. Our Sunday will come!
Pastors need to stand along side their fellow worker in the Kingdom. Right now, the DA is going after me, but who is next? When will it stop? We need to let Jaime Esparza know that if he attacks ONE he attacks us ALL. Already we have seen an attack against our religious freedom in El Paso. First it was an attack against me, then it was an attack against all churches by removing them from polling places, then the attack was against Pastor Alfredo Sanchez who was forced to stop praying with a High School Football team, and now the secularists have gone after Pastor Charles Nieman and his Abundant Living Faith Center by criticizing his giving toys and showing a Christmas play to school children.
If you are a pastor and would like to join the Pastor Council to protect our religious liberties, then click here.